
FleetBattles Mod for Eve Development Killboard

Primary LanguagePHP


FleetBattles Mod for [Eve Development Killboard] (https://github.com/evekb/evedev-kb)

##Installation Upload the cron and mods folder to your killboard directory. The cron folder contains a Cron Job for building the fleet battles cache, the mods folder contains the actual mod. Activate and configure the mod in ACP -> Modules.


#####Version 0.2.3 (2017/06/05)

  • Fix: Kill Lists show kill system security status in the proper color
  • Fixed a problem with setting side assignments for cached battles

#####Version 0.2.2 (2016/02/09)

  • release of version 0.2.2
  • fixes for compatibility with PHP 7
  • added a top list showing the killboard owner's top fleet battle attendees to the Fleet Battles Overview page
  • Pre-Upgrade: Backup your database!
  • Upgrade option 1: Delete and re-add your cache table (and then re-build your cache, which might take VERY long)
  • Upgrade option 2: Execute the following SQL script on your killboard's database:
CREATE TABLE `kb3_battles_owner_pilots` (
    `battle_id` int unsigned NOT NULL,
    `plt_id` int unsigned NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`battle_id`, `plt_id`)
  • added option to manually set start- and end-time when showing related kills (no GUI support yet):
  • add GET argument starttime to specify the start time, e.g. &starttime=2016-01-01 00:05:00
  • add GET argument endtime to specify the end time, eg &endtime=2016-01-01 00:10:00
  • Seconds portion of kill timestamps is now handled correctly, making the timeline view more informative
  • made the Pod image for kills with related pod kills clickable on the Battle Overview page
  • added Meta Tags providing metadata about a kill report

#####Version 0.2.1 (2012/09/15)

  • release of version 0.2.1

  • improved compatibility to various javascript libraries/frameworks

  • ship class listing in balance of power can now be customized per ship class via css-classes (see css/style.css)

  • improved performance

  • added number of involved killboard owners to battle list overview (recreation of the kb3_battles_cache table is necessary!)

  • added filtering options for fleet battle overview page

  • fixed loot overview (count, prices)

  • fixed an error where multiple engagements at the same time in different systems might interefere with side assignment and result in an empty battle report

  • files affected : css\style.css; include\class.battles.php; include\class.helpers.php; js\fleetBattles.js; template\battle_balance.tpl; template\battle_setup.tpl; template\battlelisttable.tpl; battles.php; init.php; kb3_battles_cache.sql.txt; kill_related.php

  • files added: js\toggleFilter.js; template\battlelisttable_filter.tpl; template\battlelisttable_stats.tpl

  • files removed: js\fleetBattles.js.js; .htaccess

#####Version 0.2 (2012/04/01)

  • release of version 0.2
  • added possibility for admins to manuall asside sides for involved parties of a battle
  • style-upgrade for Balance Of Power table
  • added Damage Overview tab (credits to protoburger, thx!)
  • fixed several minor bugs
  • changed default sliding time from 12h to 4h
  • fixed a bug in the way fleet battles are determined, please rebuild your fleet battle cache

#####Version 0.1.3 (2012/03/23)

  • release of version 0.1.3
  • complete code refactoring on the base of kill_related.php in EDK 4.0.4
  • added kill lists tab
  • added enabling/disabling of timeline, loss value lists, kill lists and loot overview to the settings
  • some layout optimizations
  • performance optimizations
  • ship filters now apply correctly
  • tabs now initialize immediately instead of waiting for images to load
  • changed time line algorithm so that pod kills will always appear after the ship kill in the timeline
  • AJAX-driven tab loading

Removed File: js/toggle.js

#####Version 0.1.2 (2012/03/13)

  • release of version 0.1.2
  • includes now a cronjob for automatic updating the fleet battles cache
  • fixed minor bugs

#####Version 0.1.1 (2012/03/11)

  • release of version 0.1.1
  • destroyed indicator (red background) is now defined by the class .br-destroyed (defined in css/style.css)
  • added "include adjacent" functionality (not (yet) available for fleet battle displaying, only for related kills atm)
  • fixed displaying of pod images in battle overview


  • added support for simple urls
  • fixed a wrong linkage in Battle Overview


  • fixed bug preventing map images in battle overview from displaying


  • initial version