
Processor Specifications

  • The instruction size and the word size is 16 bits.
  • 8 16-bit general-purpose registers: from R0 to R7.
  • R0 is hardwired to zero. Any attempt to write to it will be discarded.
  • 16-bit special purpose register for the program counter (PC).
  • Four instruction types (R-type, I-type, J-type, and S-type).
  • Separate data and instruction memories.
  • Byte addressable memory.
  • Little endian byte ordering.
  • The ALU generates required signals to calculate the condition branch outcome (taken/not taken). These signals might include zero, carry, overflow, etc.
  • Support for basic arithmetic, logical, and control operations.
  • Immediate values are sign-extended where applicable.
  • Conditional and unconditional branching supported.
  • Function call and return mechanism with a dedicated return address register.

Instruction Types and Formats

R-Type (Register Type) Instruction Format

Field Bits Description
Opcode 4 bits Specifies the operation
Rd 3 bits Destination register
Rs1 3 bits First source register
Rs2 3 bits Second source register
Unused 3 bits Unused bits

I-Type (Immediate Type) Instruction Format

Field Bits Description
Opcode 4 bits Specifies the operation
Mode 1 bit Mode bit for load/branch instructions
Rd 3 bits Destination register
Rs1 3 bits First source register
Immediate 5 bits Immediate value (unsigned for logic, signed otherwise)

J-Type (Jump Type) Instruction Formats

Unconditional Jump

Field Bits Description
Opcode 4 bits Specifies the operation
Jump Offset 12 bits Jump offset

Call Function

Field Bits Description
Opcode 4 bits Specifies the operation
Jump Offset 12 bits Jump offset (target address calculation)

Return from Function

Field Bits Description
Opcode 4 bits Specifies the operation
Unused 12 bits Unused bits

S-Type (Store) Instruction Format

Field Bits Description
Opcode 4 bits Specifies the operation
Rs 3 bits Source register
Immediate 8 bits Immediate value to store

