Assignment: What is the core functionality of my OBA app, and how can I render it server-side?
The site must contain an overview page and detail page.
Forking the repo and using npm
to set up your dev environment
fork the repo:
git clone
I wanted to try Yeoman, yeoman is a tool to generate new projects with best practices.
global install:
npm install -g yo.
installing a generator.
This generator is for an express project. You can also run different ones such as webapp.
npm install --global generator-express
run it
yo express
Yeoman will give you different options to build your project.
- Basic or MVC style file structure.
- CoffeeScript Support
- Gulp or Grunt build tools with file watching and live-reload
- Editor-config
- Support of view engines
- Pug
- Handlebars
- Swig
- Marko
- Nunjucks
- Supported css pre-processors
- Sass(Both styles)
- Stylus
- Supported databases
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- RethinkDB
- SQLite
Running gulp
npm start
I've build some the build.js file in browserify, I just dont know
how to run it with local host yet.
I've got some enhancement with the client side.
When you got javascript turned on you can use the search input.
Node .js compression middleware
- deflate
- gzip
npm install compression
var compression = require('compression')
I have a lot of duplicates in my data I'd like to combine
them and push them into an array
me trying really hard to fix that #$@!
I had my routing fixed but unfortunately I couldn't get my fetch
into an module. So I just used one router instead. 👀
Copyright © 2018 Sam Guliker. Released under the MIT license