
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT





A flask application that allows writers to post , edit and delete blogs. It also allows users who have signed up to comment on the blogs that hav been posted .

Live Link

View Site


User Story

  • Comment on the different blogs posted by other writers.
  • See the blogs posted by other writers.
  • Register to be allowed to log in to the application
  • Submit a pitch to a specific category of their choice.


Behaviour Input Output
Load the page On page load Get all posts, Select between signup and login
Select SignUp Email,Username,Password Redirect to login
Select Login Username and password Redirect to page with app blogsand commenting section
Select comment button Comment Form that you input your comment
Click on submit Redirect to all comments template with your comment and other comments

Development Installation

To get the code..

  1. Cloning the repository:
  1. Move to the folder and install requirements
cd Blog
pipenv install requests
  1. Exporting Configurations
export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql+psycopg2://{User Name}:{password}@localhost/{database name}
  1. Running the application
python3.8 manage.py server
  1. Testing the application
python3.8 manage.py test

Open the application on your browser

Technology used

Known Bugs

  • There are no known bugs currently but pull requests are allowed incase you spot a bug

Contact Information


  • MIT License:
  • Copyright (c) 2022 Ajedidah Mwanzia

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