
A Discord bot written in Python (using the Discord.py API), which can do some cool things.

Primary LanguagePython


A discord bot which is used--at a high level--to drive user engagement in a discord channel. Sambot offers a variety of commands to play around with as a server moderator (manage_messages permissions).

📄 Table of Contents

✅ Features

Triggered Responses 🗣

sambot parses user input searching for specific words, and responds using a preset response. For example, if a user message contains the word "hello", sambot can be configured to respond with "Hello yourself!". The trigger words and their corresponding responses are all manageable by users of a Discord guild with manage_messages permissions. The triggered responses can be locked with cooldowns, to prevent spam. There are two types of cooldowns to choose from, which will each be explained in detail in the Commands section.


Triggered responses

Triggered images 📷

Similarly to triggered responses, sambot examines user input searching for specific "trigger" words, and responds with an image, whose URL is specified by the creator of the trigger. Triggered images are manageable by users of a Discord guild with manage_messages permissions. Triggered images also have cooldown support similarly to triggered responses, which will be explained in the Commands section.


Triggered images

Language filter 🤬

Again similarly to triggered responses and images, sambot is equipped with a rudimentary language filter. Members of a guild with manage_messages permissions may ban or unban words from the guild at any point. If a word is banned in a guild and a user attempts to send a message that contains that word, sambot immediately deletes the offending message, and sends the user a warning in a direct message. This language filter ignores punctuation found within words, to make it harder to circumvent. For more information on banning words, see the Commands section.

📝 Future Work

If you're interested in seeing what work is in the pipeline for sambot, take a look at the Trello board.

🤖 Commands

Sambot's default command prefix is $, thus, all commands begin with the $ symbol. Here is a list of the commands available, and what they do.

Triggered response commands

Command Parameters Description
addpasta trigger, response Adds or updates a user-triggerable copy-pasta to the guild, with trigger word trigger. When any user types the trigger word trigger with any combination of punctuation and capitalization, anywhere in a message, sambot will send the message response to the channel. Note that this trigger will not fire off more than once per message, so if a user sends "hello hello hello", and "hello" is a registered trigger, sambot will only respond once. Sambot also only responds to at most one trigger per message, so if a user's message contains more than one registered trigger, sambot will respond to the one that appears first. Note that response is surrounded by double quotation marks in the command syntax. If you want to include double quotation marks in the actual response, use \" in place of " in the response string.

$addpasta hello "Hello yourself!"
Example with quotation marks in response:
$addpasta hello "Hello my name is \"sambot\""
removepasta trigger Removes a user-triggerable copy-pasta from the guild. Essentially acts as an undo of the addpasta command.

$removepasta hello
pastadelay duration Sets the duration (in seconds) that users must wait before re-triggering a triggered response. If a user attempts to trigger a response before duration seconds have passed since the last time they triggered that response, then sambot takes no action. By default this "cooldown" is applied on a per-response basis, meaning that a user triggering a response has no influence on whether or not they may trigger a different response.

Example (set the cooldown to 5 minutes):
$pastadelay 300

Triggered images commands

Command Parameters Description
addimage trigger, URL Adds or updates a user-triggerable image to the guild, with the trigger word trigger. This command works the same way as addpasta, except that instead of a text response, sambot sends an image to the channel. The URL parameter is any URL to an image, surrounded by double quotation marks. Sambot will attempt to download the image specified by URL, and will store it on his local database for future use.

$addimage github "https://github.githubassets.com/images/modules/logos_page/GitHub-Mark.png"
removeimage trigger Removes a user-triggerable image from the guild. Works the same as removepasta except with images. Acts as an undo of the addimage command.

$removeimage github
imagedelay duration Sets the duration (in seconds) that users must wait before re-triggering a triggered image. Works the same as pastadelay, but applies only to triggered images. Similarly to pastadelay, this cooldown acts on a per-image basis by default.

Example (set the cooldown to 1 hour):
$imagedelay 3600

Language filter commands

Command Parameters Description
banword word Bans the word word from the guild. If a user types word, with any combination of punctuation or capitalization involved, the message is removed from the chat, and sambot sends a DM to the sender, which says "Don't be saying that stuff.". This command should be treated as a basic language filter.

$banword cat
unbanword word Unbans the word word from the guild. Basically undoes the banword command, and allows users to once again use the word word.

$unbanword cat

General guild commands

Command Parameters Description
cooldowntype type Set the cooldown type of triggered images and responses in a guild. The type parameter may be one of "global", "perpasta" (double quotes are not required in the command syntax).

global: Each triggered image and response shares a common cooldown for each user. This means that if a user triggers a response or image, they will have to wait until their cooldown expires to trigger ANY other responses or images in the guild. The cooldown specified by the pastadelay command is the cooldown applied in this case, and the cooldown specified by imagedelay is ignored.

perpasta: Each triggered image and response has its own cooldown for a user. If a user triggers a response or image, they will be able to trigger any of the other images or responses in the guild. The cooldown specified by pastadelay is used for responses, and the cooldown specified by imagedelay is used for images in this case.

$cooldowntype global
test Tests that sambot is active in a guild. He will respond with "You talkin' to me?".
kill Closes the websocket connection between sambot and the Discord backend, immediately closing an instance of sambot. This command may only be used by the owner of sambot. The owner of the running instance is specified in a project .env file. This .env file will be explained more in the Hosting Locally section.

💬 Message Processing

🗄 Database and Models

📥 Migrations

💻 Hosting Locally