
DevOps Map via the magic of Python

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DevOps Map via the magic of Python

Idea and leaning on the work of

I was looking through the source code of Warzone 3100 and found the Tech Tree is mapped out using a Python script to generate an SVG. As I have been looking for an easy way to maintain my DevOps map I thought this might be a solid method.

Big thank you to Adam Olsen for the original Warzone script that gave me the idea WarzoneResearch.py

Big thank you to Neil Kidd and Vasileios Vlachos for your Python support!

Notes on connections

I have flip flopped on the connection names. I want to keep it simple and have as few edge types as possible to maintain the understanding of the map but some descriptions are better than others.

The three I have chosen are:

  • Enables
    Enables is a one way -> edge. This Enables that to work. I considered, enhances but it isn't strong enough. Enables is almost Mandatory in my mind.
  • BetterTogetherWith This is better together with that. <--> A Bidirectional edge. Both nodes need to match the other for validation. They are both more useful when both are being used. But that does not mean they have to be.
  • ReducesFailureOf This reduces the failure of that. -> a one way edge. Not mandatory, the that can be done without this but it is more risky. I have considered changing the term to Increase Confidence In but thought it less accurate. Feel free to share with Sponsors and business groups the constructed synonym in this context.

References and Libraries

Setup for development outside of a DevContainer

apt-get update && apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends graphviz python3-pip
# cd working directory
pipenv shell
pipenv install pydot pydot-ng

Resulting SVG

DevOps Map SVG