
This is an open source project (formerly named Listen, Attend and Spell - PyTorch Implementation) for end-to-end ASR implemented with Pytorch, the well known deep learning toolkit.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

End-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition Systems - PyTorch Implementation

Module Code: CS5242

Semester: AY2021-22 Sem 1

Group 40

  • Liu Shiru (A0187939A)
  • Lim Yu Rong, Samuel (A0183921A)
  • Yee Xun Wei (A0228597L)


  • Python 3
  • Computing power (high-end GPU) and memory space (both RAM/GPU's RAM) is extremely important if you'd like to train your own model.
  • Required packages and their use are listed requirements.txt.


Data is collected from the Ted2srt webpage.

Run python3 scraper/preprocess.py from root directory to scrape and generate dataset. The script will:

  1. Scrape data from website.
  2. Preprocess the data.
  3. Split the data to train-dev-test sets.

Scraped data is saved at scraper/data/, processed data will be saved to data/. Alternatively, download preprocessed data here.


To train each model:

  1. In the root directory, run the command python3 main.py --config config/<dataset>/<config_file>.yaml --njobs 8.

Configuration Files

To use our dataset, set <dataset> as ted to use scraped data, or libri to use public data from OpenSRL.

Configuration files are stored as:

Train Extractors

Extractor Classifier Configuration file
MLP RNN mlp_rnn.yaml
CNN RNN cnn_rnn.yaml
ANN RNN ann_rnn.yaml
RNN RNN rnn_rnn.yaml

Train Classifiers

Extractor Classifier Configuration file
CNN MLP cnn_mlp.yaml
CNN CNN cnn_cnn.yaml
CNN ANN cnn_ann.yaml

Experiment results

Experiment results are stored at experiment_results.md.

Model Architecture

There are two main subcomponents. First is the extractor, the extractor further extracts the audio features for every frame into a latent representation $h$. Then we have the classifier, that takes in the latent representation, make prediction for each frame by classifying them into a predefined set of word token such as “a”, “the”, “-tion” etc. Lastly, the Beam search decoding algorithm decode the raw classification results into a sentence. A typical ASR has a CNN extractor and a RNN classifier.

For our experimentation we firstly fix the classifier to be RNN, and compare how the 4 NN variants perform as the extractor.

Secondly, we fix the Extractor to be CNN. and replace the classifier with the 4 NN variants.

Original README can be accessed here.


  1. Liu, A., Lee, H.-Y., & Lee, L.-S. (2019). Adversarial Training of End-to-end Speech Recognition Using a Criticizing Language Model. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE.

  2. Liu, A. H., Sung, T.-W., Chuang, S.-P., Lee, H.-Y., & Lee, L.-S. (2019). Sequence-to-sequence Automatic Speech Recognition with Word Embedding Regularization and Fused Decoding. arXiv [cs.CL]. Opgehaal van http://arxiv.org/abs/1910.12740