
This is a website made with teachers in mind as it helps manage online classes with work assignment, sharing links for forms or google meet etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A New Way To Manage Online Classes

This is a simple platform using google classroom's idea for manageing classes

This a practice Website.

Technology Used

This website is using ejs, html, css, bootstrap, font-awsome and js to display a good looking frontend which can be dinamicaly changed. The backend uses node.js with express for easy set up, mongoose for connection with mongoDB database, multer for easy file uploading, nodemailer for emailing, socket.io for real time communication between backend and frontend, helmet for security, uniquid for unique code generation and compression for making the website faster.

Info About The Website

Acount Types

  1. Admin
  2. Teacher
  3. Student

Admin Account Allowances

  1. Admins can change/create/delete teacher, student and admin account.
  2. Admins can create classes.
  3. Admins can added teachers and students to classes.
  4. Admins can add assignments to classes, they can upload files, notes and meet codes.
  5. Admins search for accounts and classes.
  6. Admins can view people already added in a class.
  7. Admins can view classes they are teaching in.

Teacher Account Allowances

  1. Teachers can change/create/delete student account.
  2. Teachers can create classes.
  3. Teachers can added teachers and students to classes.
  4. Teachers can add assignments to classes, can upload files, notes and meet codes.
  5. Teachers search for accounts and classes.
  6. Teachers can view people already added in a class.
  7. Teachers can view classes they are teaching in.

Student Account Allowances

  1. Students can view the classes thay are in.
  2. Students can view people already added in a class.
  3. Students can view assignments.

Genral Guidlines

  1. The only way to delete/edit any type of account or classes is through the search box.
  2. On the creation of a student account, an email with the students account details will be spent to the provided email address.
  3. Assignments can not be edited or deleted
  4. Title is needed in every assignments


  1. Download Code
  2. Run command npm install
  3. Make techer folder in mongoDB with collection teachers
  4. Add an admin account in the collection, use the syntax :
    Admin : true,
    t_Id : "8g086bdkkpjtwyb9",
    Name : // enter admin name,
    Email : "info@coderunner.in",
    Username : // enter admin username,
    Password : // enter admin password
  1. Run command npm start

Aditional Data


  • compression
  • ejs
  • express
  • helmet
  • mongoose
  • multer
  • nodemailer
  • socket.io
  • uniqid
Language Lines Of Code Total
EJS 120 + 18 + 50 + 20 + 108 + 84 + 76 + 95 + 112 + 31 + 48 + 21 + 2 785
Backend JavaScript 171 + 75 + 59 + 27 + 154 + 60 + 135 + 11 + 173 + 65 + 208 + 40 1178
Frontend JavaScript 5 + 123 + 128 + 49 + 21 + 109 435
HTML 45 45
CSS 6 + 71 + 72 + 34 + 34 + 106 323
MarkDown 88 88
Grand Total 785 + 1178 + 435 + 45 + 323 + 88 2854

This table excludes the module/auto generated code