
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


To start with, make sure your node version is up to 10.+

node -V
  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Pranav543/EthChainProject.git
  1. Install dependencies.
npm i
  1. Running the application
npm start
NOTE: 1.If you are using the application for the first time, you will have to refresh the page again after enabling metamask for sucessful implementation

The contract has already been deployed so you need not need to deploy it from your side

Token addresses for Goerli and Mumbai Testnet:

"Goerli_WEthAddress": "0x60D4dB9b534EF9260a88b0BED6c486fe13E604Fc"

"Matic_WEthAddress": "0x4DfAe612aaCB5b448C12A591cD0879bFa2e51d62"

"Goerli_ERC20Address": "0x3f152B63Ec5CA5831061B2DccFb29a874C317502"

"Matic_ERC20Address": "0x2d7882beDcbfDDce29Ba99965dd3cdF7fcB10A1e"

"Goerli_ERC721Address": "0xfA08B72137eF907dEB3F202a60EfBc610D2f224b"

"Matic_ERC721Address": "0x33FC58F12A56280503b04AC7911D1EceEBcE179c"

Add these token addresses to your metamask.

Make sure you have balance in your wallet in Goerli, Ropsten and Matic Mumbai Testnet. The faucet links are given below

Goerli: https://goerli-faucet.slock.it/

Ropsten: https://faucet.ropsten.be/

Matic: https://faucet.matic.network/

ERC20 and ERC721 tokens can be added through the matic faucet