
Experimental data: Average VM boot time on the host


Experimental data: Average virtual machine (VM) boot time (in seconds) on the host. Each average VM boot time is the average of at least 5 records.

  • Experiment VM (eVM): The eVM is a VM used to measure the boot time, and will not execute any load after booting.
  • Workload VM (wVM): The wVM is a VM that runs Stress to simulate a running VM and will compete for computing resources, especially CPU resources.

Description of each page in the file (VM boot time for 4 computing hosts.xlsx):

  • dataset: This dataset includes the average VM boot time of host i in two experiments and is used to train and test machine learning-based models. The first experiment has 312 test cases, and the second experiment has 7200 test cases, and 18 test cases in the two experiments are the same.
    • First experiment: The average VM boot time of a host (Compute 1, Compute 2, Compute 3, or Compute 4) when there are 1 to 6 eVMs and 0 to 12 wVMs on the host.
    • Second experiment: The average VM boot time of a hosts (Compute 1, Compute 2, or Compute 3) when there are 0 to 6 eVMs on each host (Compute 1, Compute 2, Compute 3, and Compute 4).
  • training dataset: This dataset contains 75% of the above dataset, which is obtained using the "train_test_split" function of the "sklearn" library in Python.
  • test dataset: This dataset contains 25% of the fist dataset, which is obtained using the "train_test_split" function of the "sklearn" library in Python.
  • evaluation dataset (single-host): This dataset contains the average VM boot time of Compute 4 when there are 1 to 6 eVMs and 0 to 12 wVMs on Compute 4. It contains 78 cases.
  • evaluation dataset (multi-host): This dataset contains the average VM boot time of Compute 4 when there are 0 to 6 eVMs on each host (Compute 1, Compute 2, and Compute 3) and 1 to 6 eVMs on Compute 4. It contains 2058 cases.
  • C5 with 1G (single-host): The average VM boot time of Compute 5 with 1G network when there are 1 to 6 eVMs and 0 to 12 wVMs on Compute 4. It contains 78 cases.
  • 10G network (single-host): The average VM boot time of Compute 1, 2, 3, and 5 with 10G network when there are 1 to 6 eVMs and 0 to 12 wVMs on Compute 4. It contains 312 cases.

Description of each page in the file (VM boot time for 7 computing hosts.xlsx):

  • original dataset: This dataset consists of two parts: (i) single-host: the average VM boot time per host when there are 1 to 6 eVMs and 0 to 12 wVMs on the host, and (ii) multi-host: the average VM boot time per host when there are 0 to 6 eVMs per host. The single-host part has 78 cases per host, and the multi-host part has 823542 cases per host. Due to the large number of cases in the multi-host part, we only measure 1% (the 8235 cases) of them to build the dataset. Furthermore, we remove the average VM boot time of Compute 4 from the multi-host part and use these removed data for the "evaluation dataset (multi-host)", which is described below. To sum up, the dataset has 49956 pieces of data which is consis of the single-host cases per host and 1% of all cases with 0 to 6 eVMs per host.
  • evaluation dataset (single-host): This dataset contains the average VM boot time of Compute 4 when there are 1 to 6 eVMs and 0 to 12 wVMs on Compute 4. It contains 78 cases.
  • evaluation dataset (multi-host): This dataset contains the average VM boot time of Compute 4 in the cases shown in the original dataset. It has 7066 cases because in some cases there is no VM on Compute 4.

Description of each column in the file (VM boot ime.xlsx):

  • host: The name of host i. (C1 stands for Compute 1)
  • core: The number of CPU cores available on host i.
  • alpha: The I/O time spent in the boot process of an eVM when there is no resource contention on the selected host (host i).
  • beta: The CPU time spent in the boot process of an eVM on host i without resource contention.
  • evm: The number of eVMs on host i.
  • wvm: The number of wVMs on host i.
  • ovm: The sum of the minimum values of Rj and cj, CPU-1 for all other hosts j.
  • ovm': The sum of the maximum values of 0 and Rj-cj, CPU+1 for all other hosts j.
  • C{k}_e: The number of eVMs on host k in this case.
  • boot_time: Average VM boot time on host i.