
The GitHub page for Group Alpha for the Cambridge 2018 Computer Science Part IB group project

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Project Brief

In the 1880s students in Cambridge had their head measured to test for correlations between head size and degree class (https://goo.gl/Tbfoww). To celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, a major public exhibition will reconstruct this experience. You will use computer vision to measure visitors' profiles, matching against archive records of thousands of ex-students to identify a (possibly famous) historical twin, and then render a simulation of a new "handwritten" record card that can be accessed online to compare your future grades to theirs.

#Installation Below follows a guide to install and configure the various servers necessary to run the project. This guide assumes that you are using a Linux distribution but other operating systems should be also work (although this is not guaranteed) with obvious adjustments to the installation process for that specific OS.

Front End

Development Server

This is a guide for running a development server for testing and making changes.

  1. Install nodejs using the following commands:
    curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  2. Install npm using a standard package manager.
  3. Navigate to AnthropometricsToday/front-end/anthropometrics-today
  4. To configure the server, navigate further to src/utility/config.js
  5. Update the fields backEndBaseUrl and webBaseUrl to the address of the REST API configured below and the address of the web server (which will be http://localhost:3000 for the development server) respectively
  6. If you wish to change the suffixes for the REST API's different requests, this can be done by changing the suffix options in the same file
  7. Return to AnthropometricsToday/front-end/anthropometrics-today
  8. Run npm start which will start a local web server at localhost:3000

Production Server

If you want to run the server in a production environment for other users to access, you need to host it on a web server. This will show you how to configure the server on Apache2.

  1. Follow steps 1-7 if not done so already for setting up the development server (changing the addresses for the web server if necessary)
  2. Install apache2
  3. Run npm run build from AnthropometricsToday/front-end/ anthropometrics-today which will create a new directory build
  4. Copy the contents of the build folder (not the folder itself) to the root directory of the web server (which is /var/www/html by default)
  5. Navigate to AnthropometricsToday/front-end/webserver-config
  6. Copy the .htaccess file to the root directory of the web server
  7. Replace the 000-default.conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-available with the file in AnthropometricsToday/front-end/webserver-config
  8. Run sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo service apache2 restart to restart the web server with the updated configurations


In order to run the database correctly, you need to do the following:

  1. Install PostgreSQL. (make sure that pgAdmin is included in your release)

  2. During the installation, the program will ask you to create a password for the superuser 'postgres', either remember it or just write it down if you like.

  3. Open pgAdmin, and create a database named group project in your localhost database server, set its owner to postgres (or whatever user you like if you are an expert of PostgreSQL).

  4. Right click the group project database , and click Restore to restore the database from the fake database with fakedata.tar file provided underneath the dummy database directory (also underneath `backend/

    `) , or you can create a table using the sql query table_generated.sql in the same directory and import your own collected data according to the schema if you wish.

  5. Modify the 5th line starting with conn= in DataBaseScript.py in the /backend/restAPI/ directory, to match the owner user that you assigned in step 3 and the password that you created in step 2.


To run the API:

  1. Install Python 3
  2. Install Python packages using pip:
    • flask
    • flask_jsonpify
    • datetime
    • functools
    • ast
    • numpy
    • face_recognition
    • skimage
    • psycopg2
    • heapq
  3. Navigate to AnthropometricsToday/backend/restAPI
  4. Run Python3 RESTAPI.py to start the server


Everything should now be working fine but here are some possible issues you may run into with some possible causes:

  1. If when navigating to <root> (where <root> is the base address of your web server), no page loads, the web server is likely not running. Make sure you have run npm start if using a development server or that the apache2 process (or other host) is running if using a production server,
  2. If you navigate to <root>/report/1/Sam&&AMAMAM and receive an Apache 404 error, the URL rewriting that the configuration options included in AnthropometricsToday/front-end/webserver-config have not worked. Ensure that the root of the web server (/var/www/html by default) contains the .htaccess file. This may be hidden so use ls -A to show it if it exists. Additionally, check that the 000-default.conf file in etc/apache2/sites-available contains the Directory /var/www/html block in the file included on this repository,
  3. If you navigate to the same address as in 2 and get an error page or find that there are missing attributes in the report page, something has gone wrong with the back end server. Check that the address used for the backEndBaseUrl option in AnthropometricsToday/front-end/ anthropometrics-today/src/utility/config.js is set to the correct value. If this is correct, check the API server logs which will likely indicate the problem that has occurred.