A Cosmicsting POC, with a bash script to check all of our hosted sites to confirm the patch.
This repository is provided to allow store owners / hosts to confirm the patch is applied on stores. Within check.bash
add domains to the SITES
[https://cosmicsting.samdjames.uk/](Online Validator https://cosmicsting.samdjames.uk/)
# Create a python vitual environment for the project
python -m venv venv
# Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run the bulk validator script
./z_validate sites/example.txt
./z_validate sites/acme.txt
# Run the POC against a single URL
./poc.py -u https://samdjames.uk
# For unpatched sites, run a very BASIC compromised check (dump script srcs)
# And run a diff against old detected scripts each execution
./z_compromise_check sites/example.txt