
Please Write Docs!

ArvidHoppe opened this issue · 5 comments

Please do us a favor and write good documentation.
I wasted literally 3 hours trying to figure out how to make custom Toolbars!
Not everyone knows your thoughts and your concepts!

I really like your effort and the result, don't get me wrong. But I would appreciate a good documentation :)

Have you checked out the JavaDoc? I think virtually all the methods and even fields should be documented on there:

Specifically, for your case:

It should be pretty comprehensive. Was there something specific you wanted, e.g., more details in the JavaDoc, a guide or example code?

Also see here for an example in the demo code:

myAwesomeMenu.setToolbarBuilder((slot, page, defaultType, menu) -> {
if (slot == 8) {
return new SGButton(
new ItemBuilder(Material.EMERALD)
.name(String.format("&a&l%d gems", gems.getOrDefault(player, 5)))
"&aUse gems to buy cosmetics",
"&aand other items in the store!",
"&7&o(Click to add more)"
).withListener((event) -> {
gems.put(player, gems.getOrDefault(player, 5) + 5);
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', "&a&l&oSUCCESS! &aYou have been given &25 &agems!"));
// Fallback to rendering the default button for a slot.
return spiGUI.getDefaultToolbarBuilder().buildToolbarButton(slot, page, defaultType, menu);
// Or, alternatively, to render a button when NEITHER a custom per-inventory button OR a fallback
// button has been defined:
// (Comment above line and uncomment below to enable this)
// Ensure fallbackButton is not null before rendering. If it is, render an alternative button
// instead.
SGButton fallbackButton = spiGUI.getDefaultToolbarBuilder().buildToolbarButton(slot, page, defaultType, menu);
if (fallbackButton != null) return fallbackButton;
return new SGButton(new ItemBuilder(Material.BARRIER).name(" ").build());
// You could check if defaultType is UNASSIGNED, however this won't deal with the cases when the
// previous or next button is not shown (there will be an empty space).

For me, javadocs are nice if you know what you want to know. But if youre new to a Project or a Library, only a JavaDoc is equali as good as decompiling the jar and read the code itself (im exaggerating here). What I missed was specific Examples and tweeks to your Library in on a centralized, searchable place.

Your JavaDoc is well done, but as an initial Doc, a javadoc isnt the best format i think :)

Fair enough! I'll write some guides on the GitHub wiki when I have time