
SoT for ML/AI coursework for "ML for Monsters" at DeepMay 2023

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


SoT for ML/AI coursework for "ML for Monsters" at DeepMay 2023

Materials for the class.


On day 1

1. make an auth token in github to do https
2. https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens 
3. FORK this repository in github, creating your own personal username/ml-for-monsters
4. navigate to nb.deepmay.net
5. launch a terminal
6. `git clone git clone https://oauth-key-goes-here@github.com/username/DM23-ml-for-monsters.git`

In the morning

1. `git fetch origin`
2. `git merge --ff-only origin main`

In the evening

1. `git add *`
2. `git status`
3. `git commit -m "day 1 work"
4. `git log`
5. `git push origin HEAD`

your changes are saved!