
About YieldScape USA is a dynamic, user-driven dashboard enabling the visualization of crop yield data across the US. By uploading a tailored RDS file, users can explore yearly yield variations at national, state, and county levels through an interactive, full-screen map.

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🌾 YieldScape 🌾

YieldScape is an interactive visualization tool designed to illustrate agricultural yield data across given geographic locations. Initially showcasing oilseed sunflower yield data across counties in North Dakota (ND), South Dakota (SD), and Minnesota (MN), the app now provides a platform for users to upload and visualize their own yield data across different crops and regions.

🌐 Deployment (check out the app)

YieldScapeUSA is deployed on ShinyApps.io and can be accessed here.

πŸš€ Features

  • Interactive Map πŸ—ΊοΈ: Engage with a dynamic map to explore yield data across various geographical regions.
  • Custom Data Upload πŸ“€: Upload your own shapefile (upload all three files i.e., .shp, .shx and .dbf) to visualize yield statistics for different crops and locations.
  • Dynamic Selections βš™οΈ: Choose geometry, time, administrative, and value columns from your data to suit your analysis needs.
  • Dynamic Time Slider ⏳: Adjust the time slider to view yield data for specific years, dynamically changing based on your data.
  • Color-Coded Yield Values 🎨: Yield values are color-coded for visual distinction between high and low yield areas. (Choropleth maps)
  • Detailed Hover Information ℹ️: Hover over a region to view detailed yield information, including state and county names alongside yield values.
  • Admin Level Analysis πŸ“Š: Visualize average yield trends over time with line plots, faceted by the first level of administrative division.
  • Admin 2 Level Analysis πŸ“ˆ: Explore the top 5 counties in terms of total yield with bar plots, faceted by the first level of administrative division.
  • Customizable Color Palette 🌈: Choose different color palettes for the line and bar plots to suit your visual preferences.

πŸ“Š Data

The data visualized in the app is user-provided, allowing for a wide variety of agricultural yield data to be displayed. This feature enables the app to serve as a flexible tool for analyzing yield trends across different crops and regions over time.

Input Expectations πŸ“‘

The app accepts shapefiles containing spatial data (Make sure to upload the .shp, and corresponding .shx and .dbf files). Here are the expectations for the input data to ensure accurate visualization:

  1. File Format: The data file should be in shapefile format.

  2. Spatial Data: The data should contain spatial geometry information for accurate mapping.

  3. Columns:

    • A Geometry column representing the spatial geometry of each data point.
    • A Time column representing the time dimension (e.g., year) of the data.
    • An Admin column representing the first level of administrative division (e.g., State).
    • An Admin 2 column representing the second level of administrative division (e.g., County).
    • A Value column representing the yield values or any other values that you wish to visualize

    The actual column names in your data can be different, as you will direct the app to the appropriate columns through dropdown selections.

Example Data Structure πŸ“‹

| Geometry | Time | Admin | Admin 2 | Value |
| ...      | 1976 | ND    | Stark   | 1234  |
| ...      | 1976 | ND    | Dunn    | 5678  |
| ...      | 1977 | SD    | Jones   | 9101  |
| ...      | 1977 | SD    | Lyman   | 1121  |

πŸ’» Technologies

  • R: The app is built using the R programming language.
  • Shiny: Shiny is employed for creating the interactive web application.
  • Leaflet: Leaflet facilitates rendering the interactive map.
  • sf: The sf package is used for handling spatial data.

πŸ“ˆ Future Expansions

  • Additional Built-in Data Sets 🌽: Integrate yield data for other major crops to provide built-in data sets for users.
  • Enhanced Filtering and Analytics πŸ”: Implement advanced filtering options and analytics to offer deeper insights into yield trends.

πŸ› οΈ Local Setup

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open RStudio and set the working directory to the cloned repository folder.
  3. Install the required R packages listed at the beginning of the app.R file.
  4. Run the app.R file in RStudio to launch the app locally.

🀝 Contributions

Feel free to fork the repository, create feature branches, and send me your pull requests for enhancements!

πŸ“œ License

MIT License