float4 smlar(anyarray, anyarray) - computes similary of two arrays. Arrays should be the same type. float4 smlar(anyarray, anyarray, bool useIntersect) - computes similary of two arrays of composite types. Composite type looks like: CREATE TYPE type_name AS (element_name anytype, weight_name FLOAT4); useIntersect option points to use only intersected elements in denominator see an exmaples in sql/composite_int4.sql or sql/composite_text.sql float4 smlar( anyarray a, anyarray b, text formula ); - computes similary of two arrays by given formula, arrays should be the same type. Predefined variables in formula: N.i - number of common elements in both array (intersection) N.a - number of uniqueelements in first array N.b - number of uniqueelements in second array Example: smlar('{1,4,6}'::int[], '{5,4,6}' ) smlar('{1,4,6}'::int[], '{5,4,6}', 'N.i / sqrt(N.a * N.b)' ) That calls are equivalent. anyarray % anyarray - returns true if similarity of that arrays is greater than limit float4 show_smlar_limit() - deprecated - shows the limit for % operation float4 set_smlar_limit(float4) - deprecated - sets the limit for % operation Use instead of show_smlar_limit/set_smlar_limit GUC variable smlar.threshold (see below) text[] tsvector2textarray(tsvector) - transforms tsvector type to text array anyarray array_unique(anyarray) - sort and unique array float4 inarray(anyarray, anyelement) - returns zero if second argument does not present in a first one and 1.0 in opposite case float4 inarray(anyarray, anyelement, float4, float4) - returns fourth argument if second argument does not present in a first one and third argument in opposite case GUC configuration variables: smlar.threshold FLOAT Array's with similarity lower than threshold are not similar by % operation smlar.persistent_cache BOOL Cache of global stat is stored in transaction-independent memory smlar.type STRING Type of similarity formula: cosine(default), tfidf, overlap smlar.stattable STRING Name of table stored set-wide statistic. Table should be defined as CREATE TABLE table_name ( value data_type UNIQUE, ndoc int4 (or bigint) NOT NULL CHECK (ndoc>0) ); And row with null value means total number of documents. See an examples in sql/*g.sql files Note: used on for smlar.type = 'tfidf' smlar.tf_method STRING Calculation method for term frequency. Values: "n" - simple counting of entries (default) "log" - 1 + log(n) "const" - TF is equal to 1 Note: used on for smlar.type = 'tfidf' smlar.idf_plus_one BOOL If false (default), calculate idf as log(d/df), if true - as log(1+d/df) Note: used on for smlar.type = 'tfidf' Module provides several GUC variables smlar.threshold, it's highly recommended to add to postgesql.conf: custom_variable_classes = 'smlar' # list of custom variable class names smlar.threshold = 0.6 #or any other value > 0 and < 1 and other smlar.* variables GiST/GIN support for % and && operations for: Array Type | GIN operator class | GiST operator class ---------------+----------------------+---------------------- bit[] | _bit_sml_ops | bytea[] | _bytea_sml_ops | _bytea_sml_ops char[] | _char_sml_ops | _char_sml_ops cidr[] | _cidr_sml_ops | _cidr_sml_ops date[] | _date_sml_ops | _date_sml_ops float4[] | _float4_sml_ops | _float4_sml_ops float8[] | _float8_sml_ops | _float8_sml_ops inet[] | _inet_sml_ops | _inet_sml_ops int2[] | _int2_sml_ops | _int2_sml_ops int4[] | _int4_sml_ops | _int4_sml_ops int8[] | _int8_sml_ops | _int8_sml_ops interval[] | _interval_sml_ops | _interval_sml_ops macaddr[] | _macaddr_sml_ops | _macaddr_sml_ops money[] | _money_sml_ops | numeric[] | _numeric_sml_ops | _numeric_sml_ops oid[] | _oid_sml_ops | _oid_sml_ops text[] | _text_sml_ops | _text_sml_ops time[] | _time_sml_ops | _time_sml_ops timestamp[] | _timestamp_sml_ops | _timestamp_sml_ops timestamptz[] | _timestamptz_sml_ops | _timestamptz_sml_ops timetz[] | _timetz_sml_ops | _timetz_sml_ops varbit[] | _varbit_sml_ops | varchar[] | _varchar_sml_ops | _varchar_sml_ops
PostgreSQL extension for an effective similarity search || mirror of git://sigaev.ru/smlar.git || see https://www.pgcon.org/2012/schedule/track/Hacking/443.en.html