Welcome to the Uncovering Stocks Pattern And Data Driven Market Exploration repository, the gateway to explore the world of stocks and market through web scraping and data analytics. This repository is ensured to things like Extract, Transform, Load, Analytics and Pattern Recognition in the market.
The core objective of the project is to extract the data of the stock markets and provide with some useful information in visualized form which enables the client to understand the trend in the data very easily.
To embark your journey on this project, following are the steps:
Use Separate Branch To Commit Changes
Clone the repository
Setup the virtual environment using the following
python -m venv <name_of_the_environment>
Install the dependencies using the requirements.txt by following CLI
pip install -r requirements.txt
E - Mail : samnijin@outlook.com | samnijin.official@gmail.com
LinkedIN : Sam Nijin