
A cross-platform mobile app to show current weather and forecast data. Created using React Native

Primary LanguageHTML




Weather++ is an easy to use and beautifully-designed tool that allows you to see the current weather and a 5 day forecast in any city in the world! (Note: currently only for Earth).

You can see the current weather and a detailed a 5-day/3-hour forecast of the weather in that city.

The app has a dynamic background image that will show an picture representing the current weather conditions for the selected city.

This is a cross-platform app created with React Native.

Get it now on the Play Store and the App Store.

Example screens of the app in use


  • Text input area to type in name of the city
  • Text input area will automatically 'slide up'/'slide down' when you interact with the keyboard
  • The top area shows the current weather and conditions in selected city
  • Area to see 5-day/3-hour forecast in current city, scrollable to see more information. Includes conditions description, conditions icons, and max/min temperature
  • Background dynamically changes based on current weather conditions
  • Ability to refresh data at the click of a button (data on server is updated every 10 minutes)

Technology features

This app uses a wide variety of React Native features available on both iOS and Android.

  • ScrollView to enable smooth scrolling behaviour
  • 'Pop-up' modal component to show information
  • Networking - data fetching from multiple endpoints using modern async/await syntax
  • Responsive styling with Flexbox
  • Working with images and external links
  • Testing with Jest + Enzyme, CircleCI.
  • Accessibility labels added to buttons etc.


  • Data is provided by OpenWeatherMap. Please note there is currently limit on of 60 requests per minute (across all users!) so please be patient.
  • Data is refreshed on the server every 10 minutes.


Photo credits:

  • Raindrops photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash

  • Fog photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

  • Haze photo by Karsten Würth (@karsten.wuerth) on Unsplash

  • Clear sky photo by Sam Schooler on Unsplash

  • Dust photo by Dmitry Sovyak on Unsplash

Logo built on example from Free Pick from Flat Icon


Data is provided by OpenWeatherMap. Please note there is currently limit on of 60 requests per minute (across all users!) so please be patient.


None of the data you enter into the app is stored or logged by us.


Please either raise a Github issue or email sam_ollason@hotmail.co.uk with any support questions.