APIs at host software level abstracting multiple direct attached or remote KV SSDs (NVMeOF coming soon)

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

# SDK for Samsung-KV Device(s) - Network KV (NKV) API

## Root Directory Structure

  * README_INSTALL.txt  --> README for the installation and run test application on top of KV device(s)
  * README              --> README for NKV project
  * config              --> Sample config file to run NKV app
  * build.sh            --> Script for Building entire NKV stack (including openmpdk) 
  * spec                --> NKV spec document for application Integration
  * include             --> Header files for application Integration
  * CMakeLists.txt      --> Cmake file (will be invoked by build.sh script)
  * src                 --> NKV library source code
	  * include_private     --> Include files for internal use
	  * nkv_api.cpp         --> Library entry point
	  * test                --> Directory containing sample test application code
	  * nkv_framework.cpp   --> Library framework implementation
	  * openmpdk            --> openmpdk is the Samsung opensource driver code base for communicating with KV devices
	  * logger              --> Log wrapper on top of log4cpp, log4cpp is added as submodule underneath
## Checking out the source

You can clone from github with

	git clone --recursive git@github.com/OpenMPDK/NKV.git

or, if you are not a github user,

	git clone --recursive https://github.com/OpenMPDK/NKV.git

## Prerequisites

### Install dependent packages

	sudo yum group install "Development Tools"
	sudo yum install cmake boost-devel numactl-devel tbb-devel libcurl-devel

## Building SDK

   # SNIA compatible openmpdk APIs
	cd NKV/
	sudo ./build.sh kdd

   # Samsung openmpdk APIs
        cd NKV/
        sudo ./build.sh kdd-samsung

   # SNIA compatible openmpdk apis with emulator support
        cd NKV/
        sudo ./build.sh emul

   * the above build script creates build directory, just above current working directory with appending **\_out** and builds under it. ex)"NKV/../NKV_out"
   * build generates nkv bins "nkv-sdk-bin-TIMESTAMP.tgz" which contains shared libraries and cli test tool
   * SNIA compatible binaries doesn't support async APIs for NKV yet
   * The above shared libraries are used to integrate with MINIO S3 APP server, refer [minio](https://github.com/minio/minio/blob/nkv/docs/nkv/README.md) for more info