
Original version of the games-comparison app. This was programmed using Handlebars, JavaScript, Express & Node, with a MySQL database. The current version of this app, updated to use React.js, is here: https://github.com/SamSherrill/games-comparison

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Steam Comparison

Are you a Steam user? Do you have friends who own Steam games and want to play together? Steam Comparison is an interactive app where you can enter you and your friends' Steam username, and see if you share a game with your pal!



Steam Comparison is a Steam API based app that lets users get their games list from Steam and compare their list to that of a friend's list. The application will display both the user list and the list of the other searched individual, also with a third list if matching games are found.

Table of Contents


No installation necessary.


On the main page, enter a Steam username in the left-most textbox and click the 'Submit input' button to see a single Steam user's list of games. To see a comparison list for matching games between one user to another, enter two Steam usernames and the click the 'Submit input' button.

The following demonstrates general application functionality:

steam-comparison demo




SamSherrill jessie-computes drospond AlanAshworth


Deployed Site


Github Repository


MIT License