
List permutation function based on Heap's algorithm, compatible with Lotus Script and Visual Basic

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List permutation function based on Heap's algorithm, compatible with Lotus Script and Visual Basic

The initial call to the function can be done like this:

Dim PermutatedPairsList As ListOfVariant
Set PermutatedPairsList = ArrayPermutations(Array, Array.MaxIndex)

It assumes that Array is zero-based, and one-dimentional.

ListOfVariant is a custom class that stores a list of elements each is of a Variant datatype. This allows storing a whole array as an element in this List. Eventually the function returns a ListOfVariant where each element is a copy of the original array but in a different ordering of the elements.

ListOfVariant.AssimilateListOfVariant(anotherlist) appends the elements of anotherlist into the current list.