Programming test Simon Spiridonov

run the docker-compose

mkdir -p data/grafana ; chmod 777 data/grafana; docker-compose up -d --build

After launch it will:

  • Download images and build the application
  • Run influxdb and grafana
  • Application will run automatically after influxdb is started and healthy
  • Application will gather history and store it to influxdb using ./main history --from 2018-01-01 --to 2019-01-01 as run command
  • CronD in app container will run ./main update every 6 hours and application will try to push new data from ot InfluxDB
  • You can open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access grafana
  • Use admin/admin credentions
  • Navigate to "Manage" and then to "Currency" dashboard
  • You will see USD currency exchange rate
  • You can change currency in upper left corner
  • To add more data to influxdb run commands:
    • docker exec -i app ./main update
    • refresh grafana page to see the difference
    • docker exec -i app ./main history --from 2019-01-01 --to 2019-04-01
    • refresh grafana page to see the difference



It can efficiently store values relative to timestamps


I'm writing on this language for ~2 months and I enjoy learning it. So I decided to do this task to learn more. I prefer this language to python for workng with data.


It's so easy to display data from InfluxDB using grafana :)


docker build -f Dockerfile_grafana -t .
docker push
docker tag exchangehistory_app
docker push
helm upgrade ./helm --install --kube-context stage --namespace app --set-file config_ini=config/config.ini --set build_id=1

After this application wil be deployed and filled with same history as on local deployment with docker-compose. You can add to /etc/hosts:

<your ingress ip>

And you will be able to use grafana.

To test cronjob run this:

kubectl --context stage --namespace app create job app-upd --from=cronjobs/app