A lightweight library that provides programmatic access to WearML funcitonality for Realwear HMT devices.
In your project's build.gradle
include the following under the repositories section:
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
In your app's build.gradle
include the following under the dependency section:
implementation 'com.github.SamStenner:WearML:1.0.0'
In your activity, include the following line in your OnCreate
To register a command use:
WearML.register("Hello World") {
Log.d("WearML", "Hello World") // Prints: WearML: Hello World
To register a command with multiple activation words use:
WearML.register("Hello", "Hi", "Hey", "Howdy") {
Log.d("WearML", "Hello World") // Prints: WearML: Hello World
To access commands within the called functions use:
WearML.register("Hello", "Hi", "Hey", "Howdy") { words ->
val hey = words[2]
Log.d("WearML", hey) // Prints: WearML: Hey
To maintain a reference to the registered command use:
val helloCommand = WearML.register("Hello World") {
Log.d("WearML", "Hello World") // Prints: WearML: Hello World
To unregister a command use:
To unregister all commands use:
To register a command with extra directives use:
val directives = mutableListOf<WearML.Directives>().apply {
WearML.register("Hello", extraDirectives= directives) {
Log.d("WearML", "Hello World") // Prints: WearML: Hello World
Note: Directives that have an instant effect will be applied immediately, not when the command is invoked. Further information about directives can be found here.
You can also register commands within a fragment, although it is advised that you unregister those commands when the fragment is destroyed, or else those commands will persist to other fragments.
This would cause your commands to be available in parts of your application that you don't intend, and invoking them could cause a crash. Furthermore, revisitng the fragment would duplicate the command.
It is therefore recommended that you keep a list of registered commands in your fragment, and unregister each command in your fragment's onDestroy
If you don't register any commands in your activity and do so exclusively in your fragments, you can use unregisterAll
in your onDestroy
method as no other commands are at risk of being removed.