Thisproject Implement Stop Watch system.
First: The components
1. Use ATmega32 Microcontroller with frequency 1Mhz.
2. Configure Timer1 in ATmega32 with CTC mode to count the Stop Watch time.
3. Use six Common Anode 7-segments.
4. Connect 7447 decoder 4-pins to the first 4-pins in PORTC.
5. Use first 6-pins in PORTA as the enable/disable pins for the six 7-segments.
Second: The Functionality
1. Stop Watch counting should start once the power is connected to the MCU.
2. Configure External Interrupt INT0 with falling edge. If a falling edge detected the Stop Watch time should be reset.
3. Configure External Interrupt INT1 with raising edge.If a raising edge detected the Stop Watch time should be paused.
4. Configure External Interrupt INT2 with falling edge.If a falling edge detected the Stop Watch time should be resumed.
The Application is built using:
- C programing language
- Proteus for simulation
- Eng. Mohamed Tarek