Social media application using flutter firebase services as back-end.
- Full authentication with firebase containing (Sign in, Sign up, logout). -Save the user data when sign up or log in for the first time to keep logged in using Shared-Preferences.
- Back end validation and error handling incase of wrong inputs or technical issue.
- Updating profile info like status, username and user's profile image.
- Searching for users by username.
- Real-time messages with immediate response using streams.
- User friendly screens with some smooth animations like Hero animation.
- Beautiful UI and color alerting when receiving unseen messages.
- Exploring other user's profiles and ability to know whether they offline or online.
- Get Location with Geoloactor to get latitude and longitude and geocoding to determine your exact address.
- Uploading posts with description and location, and ability to remove them later.
- Exploring posts and searching for some keywords.
- Provider as statemanagement
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