Koa react switch (SSR/SPA)

This is a node server with Koa that can switch between SSR or SPA of a React application

  • Serves up the SPA
  • Server renders the SPA to support non-JS clients
  • Saves user inputed data to the server as they switch between form fields
  • Saves completed form data on user submission
  • On page reload, populates the form fields with the values previous saved
  • Is stateless, to support auto-scaling

Implementation logic: my idea is to implement an app in a way that can support both SSR and SPA mode. The backend which was the only scope of this project can support this with some minimal change in middleware:handleMeta

We could use the following tag in our html template and if user does not have js support we can set a flag for this user amd each following request form this user will include this flag in the header. The middleware:handleMeta can look for this header and switch between SSR or SPA mode properly

  <a href="link to an api end point to set user view mode">
    View this site in noscript mode

Run using docker

Just run the following commands and then hit http://localhost:3030

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Note: By default the app is running on a SSR mode if you like the app to run in SPA mode you have to provide the following env variable in docker-compose.yml file


Run the app manually

make sure you have Node 8.x (or above) installed. Then make sure you have a mongodb server running and finally run the following commands:

npm i
npm run build
DB_URL=mongodb:// DB_NAME=domain-hcard PORT=3000 npm run start

The env variables that this app supports are as follows:

  • PORT: server port
  • RENDER_MODE: render mode, options are 'ssr' or 'spa'. The default is 'ssr'
  • DB_URL: your mongo db uri;
  • DB_NAME: your db name;

For example to run it in a SPA mode

RENDER_MODE=spa npm run start

For running all tests

npm run test

Test coverage is also included in this repository. Please check the coverage directory.