

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It can be used for education centres

It has education centre (defined as role admin) and pupil

Role can be defined in headers role :"admin" or "user"

Main url for this

It has AUTH part

For users it is

users/signup requirments : username , password , email

users/ login requirements : email and password

And it has vaidateEmail() middleware too

For admin

/admin/auth/create-account requirements : firstName , lastName , password /admin/auth/login-account requirements : firstName , password


it has test part users can solve bunch of tests

tests/solve-test (post request ) requirements : userId, testId, selectedAnswer , themeName(request.body)

And admin can deal with test email and craete theme for tests and can get score for specific user


it has only send email : requirements : to , body , subject authRole , authToken

An admin can use crud operation over this

admin/tests/create-test requirements : themeName, question, a, b, c, d, trueAnswer, adminId /admin/tests/update-test/:testId requirements : testId(params) themeName, question, a, b, c, d, trueAnswer (body) /admin/tests/delete-test/:testId requirements : testId(params) /admin/tests/get/:adminId get admin created Test (adminId) params /admin/tests/get/:testId get test by its id (testId) params

Themes it has crud operation too

create theme : /admin/theme/create-theme , requirements : themeName , adminId get theme by its id : admin/theme/get-theme/:themeId requirements : themeId request params get all themes admin/theme//get-all admin created themes : admin/theme/get-theme/:adminId requirements : adminId request params update theme : admin/theme/update-theme/:themeId requirements : themeId params; updatedThemName, adminId request.body;

delete theme : admin/theme/delete-theme/:themeId requirements themeId request.params ; adminId request.body

And an admin can get all user scores or single user score

/admin/user-score/get/user/score/:userId requirements : userId request.params /admin/user-score/get-all n o requirements