This exercise was carried out during my web developer courses at BeCode Liège.
The mission was to carry out a group project for the first time.
Alejandro Montilla
Maxime Bottelberghe
- Consolidate your knowledges in git, HTML, CSS, Sass
- Respect strictly a design provided
- Working in team
- Respect the deadline
You are a team of 3 (or 4) young freelancers developers who wish to have their first serious mission. For that, you create accounts on malt website and quickly you get in touch with John Lafrite, a web designer.
John works for a client called Supro. . Supro. is a company active in the fashion market. They would like to improve their presence on the web.
John Lafrite designed for them a website that meets their desires. But for the next step, he needs a team of developer to code the front-end and he would like to entrust this project to you. Congratulations !
The website is essentially an e-shop which presents the products company.
It composes by differents pages :
- Homepage
- Shop page
- Single product page
- About page
- Contact page
All the designs are in the supro directory.
Also, for each pages, the pictures are already provided (if some missing, read the note in the style guide).
Your mission is to build the front-end integration. John Lafrite provided the design but for the hover effects or fancy animations, you have to use your creativity of front-end developer.
- The style guide must be stricly observed (Your futur missions with John Lafrite depend on it).
- The website will be responsive.
- In tablet and mobile, there must be a menu hamburger.
- The website have to respond to the w3c norms.
- Pay attention to SEO.
- Install the Google's extension Lighthouse in your browser and when your website is done, active it to see your scores.
- Think about nice hover effects.
- NO BUG, everything must work.
- Respect the timeline. If not, at least the Homepage, Shop and Single product has to be completed (it's the most important for the client).
- Everybody in the team must code.