
11. Express.js Challenge: Note Taker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Note Taker Express JS Application


This application was made with Express js and deployed using Heroku. It was tested locally before starting the steps to deploy the final product on Heroku. Notetaker is a simple notetaking application. When the user first enters the initial page, you see a button that says get started. When I click on the button, it takes me to the notes page, where a user can create, read, update and delete notes, following the CRUD method. To run this application locally, navigate to the js file and open it in the integrated terminal. Start by running NPM I and then npm start. A message will be received saying that the server is being listened to on port 3306. In your browser, type http://localhost:3306/. The view from the browser should show the application on your local machine. Then once my application looked good, it was deployed to Heroku. In the code, there are comments through the project to help other developers understand what is there and how it operates.


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Application Link

https://dry-atoll-77782.herokuapp.com/ Walk through video -youtube https://youtu.be/sJ7lkaeeEkw http://localhost:3306/ https://github.com/SamanthaPeterson/Express_js-Challenge--Note-Taker-11

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Contact Information

Find me on Twitter Samantha Peterson @CodingAndDesign https://twitter.com/CodingAndDesign On Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/samantha-peterson-web-developer-photographer/