WornOut - Back End

Project Links

Project Description

A wardrobe tracking app that allows you to track how often you wear all your clothing. Provides data on what clothing & accessories you wear the most, and which items you should get rid of because you never wear them.

Project Status: Incomplete

Priorities to complete:

  • Search route/request on home page baised on category query
  • User creation/login/authentication
  • Image uploader

API Structure

Data Schemas

    id: integer
    Username : string

    id: integer
    user_id: foreign key
    img: string
    category: string
    style: string
    use: string
    color: string
    wear_count: integer 
    created_at: date
Category: - top - bottom - shoes - onepeice - accessory - coat
Style: - Sweater - Sweatshirt - t-shirt - tank-top - button-up shirt - long-sleaved shirt - pants - leggings - sweatpants - shorts - skirt - dress - jumpsuit - overcoat - jacket - sneaker - bag - heels
Use: - Workout - Outdoor - Sleep/lounge - Everyday - Work - Specialty
Color - blue - black - grey - cream - white - pink - green - yellow - orange - brown - denim - metalic - multi - purple