
Analyse your Folders/Directories

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ directree

Get an Idea of how many files are in their in the directory with their sizes

directree ./directory/ -fs

Type     Files           Size       
images   7               3827.6279296875 Kb 
txt      2               9.34765625 Kb 
spreadsheets 58              579.6826171875 Kb 
pdf      10              1235.1943359375 Kb 
other    12              5162.6572265625 Kb 

Count Lines of Code and Files by language type in a repo

directree ./directory/ -c

Lang     Files           LOCs       
python   2108            342359     
json     3               3          
xml      1               15         
bash     1               16         
other    2005            113136 

Print a directory Tree

directree ./directory/ -t

|  └──sample.py