Pinned Repositories
A PyTorch implementation of the paper 'Adversarial PoseNet: A Structure-aware Convolutional Network for Human Pose Estimation' (
Course Project for Medical Image Processing : Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for MRI
A basic social networking app which allows users to post images and text and comment on posts. The app was made in Android and was done as a part of an assignment in DataBase Systems Lab.
A Crop Disease Detector made using a modified AlexNet architecture. Also uses K-Neighbour Regression to detect probability of epidemic spread. This was our team's entry for Microsoft Code Fun Do 2017.
Assignments include search algorithms, basic neural networks, perceptron, k-means algorithm, exact and approximate inference in Bayes Nets. Some of them were implemented through the UCB Pacman game.
Multi Armed Bandit - Epsilon-Greedy, UCB, KL-UCB, Thompson Sampling; Optimal Policy for MDP- Linear Programming, Howard's Policy Iteration; Sutton-Barto - Windy Gridworld, Gambler's Problem
An implementation of the paper - Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer by Efros and Freeman. This was done as a project for the Digital Image Processing course.
Implementation of Google Deepmind's paper `Objects that Sound` by Arandjelovic and Zisserman. This was done as a project for the Advanced Machine Learning course.
An implementation of Safe Reinforcement Learning in the UCB Pacman game along with an extensive analysis. This was done as a project for the Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents course.
Samar97's Repositories
A basic social networking app which allows users to post images and text and comment on posts. The app was made in Android and was done as a part of an assignment in DataBase Systems Lab.
A PyTorch implementation of the paper 'Adversarial PoseNet: A Structure-aware Convolutional Network for Human Pose Estimation' (
Course Project for Medical Image Processing : Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for MRI
A Crop Disease Detector made using a modified AlexNet architecture. Also uses K-Neighbour Regression to detect probability of epidemic spread. This was our team's entry for Microsoft Code Fun Do 2017.
Assignments include search algorithms, basic neural networks, perceptron, k-means algorithm, exact and approximate inference in Bayes Nets. Some of them were implemented through the UCB Pacman game.
Multi Armed Bandit - Epsilon-Greedy, UCB, KL-UCB, Thompson Sampling; Optimal Policy for MDP- Linear Programming, Howard's Policy Iteration; Sutton-Barto - Windy Gridworld, Gambler's Problem
An implementation of the paper - Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer by Efros and Freeman. This was done as a project for the Digital Image Processing course.
Implementation of Google Deepmind's paper `Objects that Sound` by Arandjelovic and Zisserman. This was done as a project for the Advanced Machine Learning course.
An implementation of Safe Reinforcement Learning in the UCB Pacman game along with an extensive analysis. This was done as a project for the Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents course.
A web application which serves as a platform for searching, sharing and reviewing books. Also supports asynchronous messaging, user location system and a simple recommendation system.
Chat application using Socket Programming in python. Also supports sharing of multimedia files. GUI made using python's Tkinter library. This was done as a project for Computer Networks Lab.
A series of assignments done in DrRacket which can serve as a tutorial for different programming paradigms, especially functional programming.
Contains all the assignments related to Digital Image Processing
Drawing different geometrical figures in DrRacket, starting from simple lines and circles, and ending with the complex and recursive fractals.
A simple parser written in DrRacket for parsing different mathematical expressions and representing them in the form of a parse tree.
Simulating the theoretical force of gravity among multiple bodies in DrRacket. The net forces on the particles are approximated by using trees containing the centre of mass of particle groups.
Assignments of Medical Image Computing
A two player Ping Pong game developed in DrRacket using the 2htdp universe library. This was done as a project for the Abstractions and Paradigms in Programming course
Compiler for a custom C type pointer based language written using Python Lex-Yacc. This was done as a series of assignments as a part of the Implementation of Programming Languages lab