A full-stack web application where the employees can order meals, beverages, etc, just by sitting by their desks/cubicles. To avoid crowd and maintain social distancing norm, the employees will have to order thier food via our app, and get the time slot of having the food ready.
- User (Employees)
- Admin (Cafeteria Manager)
- Register/Signup
- Signin (for both user(s) and admin(s))
- Update Account credentials
- Order food
- Checkout/payment gateway
- History of orders and transactions
- Signout
- M - MongoDB
- E - ExpressJS
- R - React
- N - NodeJS
MERN Stack is a Javascript Stack that is used for easier and faster deployment of full-stack web applications. MERN Stack comprises of 4 technologies namely: MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js. It is designed to make the development process smoother and easier. Each of these 4 powerful technologies provides an end-to-end framework for the developers to work in and each of these technologies play a big part in the development of web applications.
N.B: This project is still under development. This project is based on MERN-stack web development that consists of both back-end and front-end, but the uploaded files are only the back-end part of the project i.e. all the REST API requests, server-side implementations and database.
- clone or download the repository files and open the same in any code editor of your choice.
- run "npm install" or "npm i" to import/download and install, all the dependencies and properties of the project, that is mentioned in "package.json" file.
- This project runs on loaclhost:3300 and stores data in MongoDB (mongodb://localhost:27017/officecafedb)
- mention an issue, star, fork and clone the repo
- make a pull request
- make necessary changes and modifications in a new branch, commit and push
- I will check and merge it to the "main" branch