
Primary LanguageJavaScript

You are a famous hacker who has access to a list of the world's most famous celebrities. You have to create a system where you can view and edit their details to hide their public presence.

Your mission if you choose to accept it, you have to:

  1. Create the user interface provided with the design provided

  2. The page should have a search bar to search the list by celebrity name.

  3. The user list item is an accordion,

    • when clicked on, it will cause all the other accordions to collapse and enlarge the one which was clicked.
    • If clicked on the same one it will collapse.
    • Manage the + and - icons in open or collapsed mode (collapsed = - | open = +)
  4. Fetch the JSON file provided to fill the list of users. (NOTE - YOU CANNOT EDIT THE JSON FILE)

    • You have to calculate the age of the user based on the date of birth provided
    • gender should be a dropdown (Male | Female | Transgender | Rather not say | Other)
    • country is a text field
    • Description is a text area
  5. Provide buttons to edit or delete

    • edit mode will let you edit the details of the user in the exact place
    • you can only edit the user if the user is an adult
    • validations to be implemented where a user cannot -- input text in the age field -- input numbers in the nationality -- keep anything empty
    • when in edit mode you can either save or cancel -- save button will be disabled by default and will enable only if the details have changed -- save click will update the user's details -- cancel will revert the details to their last known state -- you cannot open another accordion while in edit mode
    • delete mode should alert you if you actually want to delete the user -- if yes - the user will be deleted -- if no - do nothing
  6. Typescript is a plus

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