Chat Application

The Chat Application is a simple and lightweight desktop-based chat system implemented in Java. It enables users to communicate with each other by sending text messages and images in real-time. The application utilizes multi-threading for concurrent communication and follows software engineering methodologies for robust and maintainable code.


  • Connects to a server to establish a chat session.
  • Send and receive text messages in real-time.
  • Send and receive images and gifs.
  • Supports the selection of image files from the local file system.
  • Provides a set of emojis for easy message input.
  • Displays messages in a visually appealing user interface.

Getting Started

To run the chat application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the project in your preferred Java IDE.
  3. Run the LauncherWrapper
  4. Enter your name and start chatting!