
HideySMP whiteliisting backend

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Backend application written in Java using Spring Boot Framework. This application handles whitelisting on the server. It stores and manages Discord and Minecraft account links.

Documented Endpoints:

  • GET https://link.samifying.com/api/data - Returns all the data stored in the database
  • GET https://link.samifying.com/api/data/<id> - Returns a specific record from the databased based on the record id
  • GET https://link.samifying.com/api/data/discord/<id> - Returns a specific record from the databased based on the user's Discord id
  • GET https://link.samifying.com/api/status - Returns the HideySMP server status
  • GET https://link.samifying.com/api/status/<hostname> - Returns the minecraft server status based on the hostname ( with SRV lookup)
  • GET https://link.samifying.com/api/status/<hostname>/<port> - Returns the minecraft server status based on the hostname and port
  • GET http://link.samifying.com/api/lookup/<username> - Returns a discord user from a minecraft username

Note that the JSON response of the /api/status endpoints is represented as the StatusResponse object of the ServerPing library. If the server is offline or is not found response code will be HTTP 404 Not Found

The /api/user endpoint

The following endpoint is called by the plugin in order to check if the user is allowed to join the server. It also returns all the required permissions a user should have when they are on the server. The only parameter it takes is the user's (or in this case player's) unique user id or in short uuid:

  • GET https://link.samifying.com/api/user/<uuid>

Example Response:

  • GET https://link.samifying.com/api/user/06805a4280d0463dbf7151b1e1317cd4
  "id": "358236836113547265",
  "name": "Pequla#3038",
  "nickname": "Pequla (ProNoob2016)",
  "avatar": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/358236836113547265/0c90142668c10ac4ab71f3bc0292dcef.png",
  "supporter": true,
  "moderator": true

Few request arguments are available, one of theme is role. With this query parameter you can specify witch role should be used for authentication. The only valid format is role id. Example url would be: https://link.samifying.com/api/user/06805a4280d0463dbf7151b1e1317cd4?role=712696664606900265 By default if the role parameter is missing it will be set to Media (ID: 426156903555399680)

List of all query params:

  • guild - Discord server ID that is required for auth
  • role - Role id that is used for whitelisting
  • staff - Staff role id that is used to identify staff members
  • supporter - Channel id for server supporters

Default values of all query parameters are set to work the best with Sami's Hidey Hole

If the user's access is not permitted the backend will respond with a 403 Forbidden

This is the example response in that case:

  • GET https://link.samifying.com/api/user/21ea77c8be294f49af2a4ece5cd20886
  "name": "com.samifying.link.error.LoginRejectedException",
  "message": "You are not verified",
  "path": "/api/user/21ea77c8be294f49af2a4ece5cd20886"

Error messages

  • You are not verified - Minecraft Discord account link was not found in the database
  • Discord server not found - Discord server got deleted or the bot is no longer its member
  • You are not a Discord server member - The user has verified but is no longer a Discord server member.
  • Required role: ROLE_NAME - The user has verified but does not have the required role
  • You are banned from this server - You are banned :(

Libraries used