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Mentor-Mentee Matching System

The Mentor-Mentee Matching System is a web application designed to securely match university students (mentees) with mentors in their relevant subjects. This application is developed using Ruby, Sinatra, SQLite 3, among other technologies.

Tech Stack

  • Ruby
  • Sinatra
  • SQLite 3
  • Capybara
  • Rack-test
  • Require_all
  • RSpec
  • Sequel
  • SimpleCov
  • Thin
  • Sinatra-contrib

Setup Guide

Note: All commands are presented in "quotes", remove these when running the command.

Accessing the Project Directory

From the terminal, use cd project to access the project directory, e.g. cd ~workspace/project.

Database Setup

  1. In the terminal, use cd db to access the database directory.
  2. Enter the following commands into the terminal (in order):
    sqlite3 production.sqlite3
    .read tables.sql
    Use ctrl+z to exit SQLite form.
  3. Use select * from tableName where tableName is the table name in tables.sql (visible with .schema command), e.g. select * from mentees;.
  4. Use delete * from tableName to clear a table where tableName is the table name in tables.sql, e.g. delete * from requests;.
  5. Use cd .. to exit the directory.

Running the Web Application

  1. Install gems by typing bundle install in the terminal.
  2. Type ruby app.rb to start up the website on the webserver.
  3. Open a browser and navigate to https://<codio_box_name>-<port_number> The <codio_box_name> and <port_number> are available in your terminal once you run app.rb.
  4. Press CTRL+C in the terminal to stop the webserver.
    • Important: Make sure the requests table is empty before you run the webserver.

Login Credentials

To log in to our website use the following username and password combinations:

  • mentee1 : mentee1
  • mentee2 : mentee2
  • mentor1 : mentor1
  • mentor2 : mentor2

Running Rspec Tests

  1. To run a specific test make sure you're in the project directory and run rspec spec/features/test-file or rspec spec/unit/test-file where test-file is the test you want to run, e.g. edit_spec.rb.
  2. To run all tests, simply run rspec or rspec spec.
    • Note: The tests will make changes to the database so the database should be returned to its previous state after running all of the tests. This can be done using git checkout db/testing.sqlite3.
