End-to-end machine learning project with deployment

This repository contains the complete end-to-end machine learning project.

Star the repository, if you find it useful.

To get this code in to your github account, feel free to fork this repository.

How to fork the repository ?
Click on the "Fork" button in the top right section of this page. This will let you create clone of my repository into your github account. You can then make changes to it as per your choice.

How can I run this project in my local server?

  • Click on the green button which says "Code" , this will let you download whole zip file of this repository.
  • Unzip the files in your required location.
  • Create a virtual environment in anaconda(or simply in vs code).
  • Activate the environment.
  • cd into this project folder(make sure you have requirements.txt in it)
  • Type the command - pip install -r requirements.txt. This will let you install all the required packages.
  • Run our main file by typing the command - python app.py, you will notice the local server address displayed on the screen.
  • Copy paste this local server address in the browser. You will notice the project running.

  • What to do if the .ipynb file does not open in github due to some error?
    Click on this https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1g4lPqZluwLsmqb4xFMexr_cqaZ9hijfX?usp=sharing .I have uploaded the same notebook here also.

    How can I read the documentation for this project?
    Documentation can be found here - https://datamahadev.com/deploying-machine-learning-model-using-heroku/.