
A clock app write with Flutter framework.

Primary LanguageDart

🕒 Motivational Clock

This is a clock application, written with Flutter framework. This app goals to have some clock functions as alarm, timer, and others.

📱 Current state snapshot

The app is still being built, so its current state is as below:

Snapshot of app

💭 Inspiration

The application is being built with a design inspiration found in https://dribbble.com/shots/6738814-Clock-App-UI-screens and Codex videos (watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyAeZKWWuxA). My goal is mainly to practicing custom painter and alarms with Flutter.

✔️ To-do list

[x] Clock design [ ] Side menu [ ] Alarms [ ] Timers [ ] Stopwatch [ ] Motivational alarm

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