This project, is for building a video sharing server with live notification and full authentication and authorization based also. Here, we will add like, dislike, comment, comment like, comment dislike, reply, reply like, reply dislike feature.
- Full Authentication and Authorization based.
- Uploading video.
- Login or any sorts of form page related registration where you insert password there is a sleeping cat , if you click eye to see password it will wake up to watch your password.
- Video Love React Add.
- Video Dislove React.
- Commenting.
- Comment Love React.
- Comment Dislove.
- Reply Adding In Comment.
- Reply Love React.
- Reply Dislove.
- All Realestic Animation with Framer Motion.
- Latest Anime or Movies Advertise at Homepage.
- Searching video with username who uploaded or by category type that is added in tag.
- Searching bar can search also based in the text.
- Bookmarking video to watch later.
- Showing Love reacted videos at a page.
- Category select and see videos based on it.
- Node Js
- Express
- React Redux
- React Redux Toolkit
- Framer Motion
- Nodemailer
- Multer
- Jimp
- Mongo
- Joi
- Mongoose
- Cors
- Morgan
- Error Handling
Clone the project
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
//your project saving directory name
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run start
For your server usage you need to change axios defaults base url and video uploading url of backend that I was sending with xhr for uploader animations.
Go to index.js
axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8000' // backend restapi base location
Change this localhost to your hosting
At YourVideos.jsx Go there
Change const backendlink = 'http://localhost:8000' // change it according to ur server
Remember I used localhost cause it was my development server
If you are the owner or developer of server after hosting server create a account at server with that account upload at least 1 video to activate search feature and category select feature of Category page.
For support,