Log into terminal
git clone http://github.com/seattleacademy/27winter 27winter
cd 27winter
npm install
download server.js and the apps directory into Sublime
change port on line 3 of server.js to your assigned port in the 1500 to 1540 range
node server.js
In browswer, change xxxx to your port and open Alexa Tester at https://seattleacademy.software/xxxx/alexa/sheet
Login to https://developer.amazon.com/home.html, select Alexa Tab
From Alexa Skill kit, click Getting Started button.
Give the app a name of Google Sheets and an invocation name of sheet. Click
From the Alexa Tester page, copy intents to the Apps intents and utterances to the Apps utterances. Click next.
From the configuration tab, select https, North America, and past the url from Alexa Tester. Select that we have trusted certificate authority for the ssl certificate.
Create a Google sheet, put in some content, and from the file menu, select Pubish to Web
Copy the Sheet ID from the URL of Google sheets and put it replace it in index.js of the sheet app
Test that it reads the sheets contents by saying Alexa Launch sheet
Change for your needs.
Copy the Application ID from the first tab of the skill, and replace the other id in package.json of the app. Save.
Control-C from the server and cd app/sheet
npm install to make the sheet app for AWS
zip -r archive.zip index.js package.json node_modules/
Go to AWS site.