
Release tool for Akeneo PIM

Primary LanguagePHP

         _      _          _   _
    /\/\ (_) ___| |__   ___| | | |_ __ _  __ _
   /    \| |/ __| '_ \ / _ \ | | __/ _` |/ _` |
  / /\/\ \ | (__| | | |  __/ | | || (_| | (_| |
  \/    \/_|\___|_| |_|\___|_|  \__\__,_|\__, |

Michel Tag a new way to release Akeneo PIM

Hello dear releaser and welcome in the release command repository. If you are here it's maybe because you want to release a new version of Akeneo PIM. Follow me during the next steps to be fully ready to do so!

How it works


git clone https://github.com/juliensnz/michel-tag.git
cd michel-tag
composer install


Copy the config.yml.dist file and rename it to config.yml to add your github token.

Release a new version

app/console michel:tag 1.7


Aw yeah