MVC architecture in PHP



First of all, this project is designed to work with the latest versions of PHP (currently ^8.0). Therefore, you will need to install it on your machine.

In addition, this project requires the use of a MySQL database. You will have to install AND configure your database and create a user.


Once you have installed your MySQL server, you can replace the identifiers used in the code with your own. In the blog/src/lib/database.php file, line 12:

$database = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=blog;charset=utf8', 'root', 'password');

You should also populate your database. You can load the default schema (and some data), contained in the db.sql file. To do this, you can use your MySQL administration interface, or run the following command, if you are on Linux:

mysql -ublog -p blog < db.sql


You can use PHP's built-in web server to run this project. go to the blog/ folder, then run the command php -S localhost:8080 (you can choose the port you want if 8080 is already in use).

Alternatively, and if you have a WAMP or LAMP stack installed, you can configure your Apache server to manage the blog/ folder.