An electronics and IT undergraduate student who believes in solving problems no matter the approach.
Pokhara, Nepal
Samirlamsal's Following
- aalocked
- AashishKatila
- amritgiriPokhara
- anitabaralLeapfrog Technology
- BijanRegmiBackend Developer @blacktechnepal
- cool51Backend Engineer
- dayarajKathmandu, Nepal
- dhurba-baralPokhara,Nepal
- dikshyant3Nepal
- eyalc4
- gayatribudhaKathmandu
- Iamashishthapa
- immanishh
- lostb1dPashchimanchal Campus
- MaheshKhatiwadaGamcha,Bhaktapur
- Mandakini-S
- MarginTop-SolutionsNepal
- mhrk11
- neupanedipenPokhara, Nepal
- paraspoudel72
- phil-davis@JankariTech
- PrabeenGautamTemporary: Lamachaur-16, Pokhara, Kaski, Gandaki, Nepal
- rasmibhattarai72
- rupeshghimire7Nepal
- sandeshpaudel81Sydney, NSW, Australia
- sayx1
- shushil555Pokhara, Nepal
- SubekSharmaPokhara
- sulabhghimireGritfeat Solutions
- SulavGaireEarth
- Sunilshah-7Nepal
- surajalemagarNot yet
- therawbitNepal
- tseevagPokhara
- WRCRoboticsClubNepal
- YuilTripatheeKMUTT