
This is a sample shopping bot to help customers buy products from e-commerce sites. Built using Rasa 2.8.5 and Rasa x 0.39.3

Primary LanguagePython

Rasa Shop Bot

This is a sample shopping bot to help customers buy products from e-commerce sites. Built using Rasa 2.8.5 and Rasa x 0.39.3

Install dependencies


First create an virtual environment in anaconda prompt using the command :

conda create -n rasavirtualenv python = 3.6

Activate your environment using the command :

conda activate rasavirtualenv

Install latest rasa version:

pip3 install rasa

or install speicific version 2.8(if any error occurs with latest one)

pip3 install rasa==2.8.5

Install Rasa X:

pip3 install rasa-x==0.39.3 --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple

Run the bot

Use rasa train to train a model. Use rasa shell to talk with the bot(console). Use rasa x to talk with the bot(browser).

For custom actions, first set up your action server in one terminal window:

rasa run actions

For entity extraction, run the duckling server (In another window):

docker run -p 8000:8000 rasa/duckling

TO talk to your bot and debug at the same time:

rasa shell --debug

Note that , If you get errors follow these:

  1. For c++ 14 related error : Install [MS Visual Studio Build Tools] (https://www.scivision.dev/python-windows-visual-c-14-required)
  2. If Rasa doesn't start: First:
pip3 install SQLAlchemy==1.3.22

If it still doesn't launch: First:

pip install sanic-jwt==1.6.0

Delete rasa.db and events.db files (only first time)

Overview of the files

data/stories.yml - contains stories

data/nlu.yml - contains NLU training data

data/rules.yml - contains the rules upon which the bot responds to queries

actions/actions.py - contains custom action/api code

domain.yml - the domain file, including bot response templates

config.yml - training configurations for the NLU pipeline and policy ensemble

tests/test_stories.yml - end-to-end test stories

Things you can ask the bot

  1. Ask if a product is available or not.
  2. Ask how many product in stock,price of product,view products by shop ,category or price range.
  3. Add Product in Cart
  4. Subscribe to product updates

Note: This project is still in development all features aren't implemented yet. Be patient.