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Hello, Programmers - I'm Samiur Rahman Mukul. At this repository i will be build a Restful-API using row node ☋ . This API i can't use any third-party dependency or Any framework and not use any database. So that are interested at this project let's connect to us. Thanks

Contents Of Uptime Monitoring Project

    1. RESTFulAPI
    1. Authentication & Authorization
    1. User Sing up & Add/Edit Settings
    1. SMS Notification using Twilio API
    1. Only RAW Node.js & No npm modules

How To Run

    1. Clone the repository
    1. Run the following to install dependencies
yarn install
    1. Run below command to start the dev server
yarn start
    1. Application should be available at http://localhost:3000
    1. This project (uptime monitoring RESTfullAPI) routes
                        </> HAPPY PROGRAMMING & DEVELOPING 🤣 </>