This architecture design was developed to build a backend ecosystem for a social media platform. Primary goal is to build a robust ecosystem which is reliable and completely dockerized. The document provides all the considerations taken to build this ecosystem. A series


  • NodeJS - 16+
  • git


bash git clone npm -i

setup .env file with the following line as data



node app.js


For local usage, running the above command will start the server at http://localhost:3000

Otherwise the deployed API can be accessed at

Available endpoints and features

  • /users

    • /login: POST Method - Takes in the email and password, and if they match, logs in the user, and returns the JWT Token which can be used for further authentication in the future
    • /users: GET Method - Takes the token of the user, and returns name, folllowers & following count
    • /{email}: GET Method - Takes in email of the user, returns the information about the same if exists
    • /follow/{id}: GET Method - Takes in the token of the user in the body, and follows the users account provided in url itself
    • /unfollow/{id}: GET Method - Takes in the token of the user in the body, and unfollows the users account provided in url itself if following, otherwise ignores
  • /posts

    • /: POST Method - Takes in token, title & description of the post and adds to the database. email of the user will be detected automatically fromthe token
    • /{id}: DELETE Method - Takes the id of the post in the url, and token in the body and if the token matches the owner of the post, the post will be deleted
    • /like/{id}: POST Method - Likes the post with given post id, from the account of the token provided in the body
    • /unlike/{id}: POST Method - Unlikes the post with given post id, from the account of the token provided in the body
    • /comment/{id}: POST Method - Adds the comment with given content from the user of the token, to the post with id passed in the url
    • /all_posts: GET Method - returns all the posts from the given user detected from the token passed in the body
    • /{id}: GET Method - returns the post with the given post id