This is the start of a series of learning that I am trying to do using ChatGPT. Instead of asking ChatGPT to give me solutions to my problems, the idea is to ask it to give me problems that I can solve and learn. The first problem I asked it to give me was a backend assignment that involves me using FastAPI to build a todo list app. This is the implementation of the same, as this series goes on I will take up tougher problems too. It has even told me to host the app on glitch, ended up hosting it on render. so will be doing that.


  • python3
  • git


git clone python3 -r requirements.txt

setup .env file with the following line as data


uvicorn app:app --reload


For local usage, running the above command will start the server at http://localhost:8000

Otherwise the deployed API can be accessed at todo-done

Available endpoints are

-   `POST /tasks`: Creates a new task. The request body should include the task description and a boolean value indicating whether the task is completed.
-   `GET /tasks`: Retrieves a list of all tasks.
-   `GET /tasks/{id}`: Retrieves a single task by its ID.
-   `PUT /tasks/{id}`: Updates an existing task. The request body should include the updated task description and completion status.
-   `DELETE /tasks/{id}`: Deletes a task.
-   `POST /tasks/{id}/complete`: Marks a task as completed.
-   `POST /tasks/{id}/incomplete`: Marks a task as incomplete.
-   `POST /tasks/complete`: Marks all tasks as completed.
-   `POST /tasks/incomplete`: Marks all tasks as incomplete.
-   `DELETE /tasks`: Deletes all tasks.