
A simple Hugo starter for building websites using Hugo Pipes for CSS and JavaScript processing.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A simple Hugo starter for building websites using Hugo Pipes for CSS and JavaScript processing.


Getting Started

Install necessary packages:

npm install

Run the dev server:

npm start

Then navigate to http://localhost:1313/ in your browser to view your dev server.

Build your website:

npm run build

Or build your website with draft content included:

npm run build:preview

Built website files will be published to the dist/ directory.


 |-- archetypes/    // Templates for content files
 |-- assets/        // Files for processing with Hugo Pipes (CSS, JS, etc.)
 |-- content/       // Page content
 |-- data/
 |-- layouts/       // HTML template files
 |-- resources/
 |-- static/        // Static files which will be copied into the publish directory
 |-- themes/        
 |-- config.toml    // Hugo configuration file
postcss.config.js   // PostCSS configuration


This project uses the MIT license.