
Python Script to send automated emails (cold emails) with PDF Attachments

Primary LanguagePython

Automated Email Sender - Cold Emails

This Python script automates the process of sending emails to multiple recipients with attached PDFs. It reads configuration data from a JSON file, allowing easy customization of recipient emails, case studies, subject lines, and the message body.


  • Email Customization: Specify recipient emails, subject lines, and message body easily through a JSON configuration file.
  • Attachment Support: Attach multiple PDF case studies from a specified folder.
  • Flexible Configuration: Customize the email data, including recipient emails, subject lines, message body, and case study folder path.


  • Python 3
  • Required Python packages:
    • smtplib
    • email
    • alive-progress (for progress bar)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/automated-email-sender.git
    cd automated-email-sender
  2. Install the required packages:

    pip install alive-progress
  3. Edit the email_data.json file:

    Customize the recipient emails, subject lines, and other parameters in the email_data.json file. Ensure that the case studies are stored in the specified folder.

  4. Create a message.txt file:

    Add your message that will be sent in the email to the message.txt file.

  5. Add your resume.pdf file:

    Place your resume.pdf in the base path (make sure to name it as resume.pdf).

  6. Run the script:

    python send_emails.py


Edit the email_data.json file to customize the email sending parameters. Example configuration:

  "sender_email": "example@gmail.com",
  "app_password": "your_app_password",
  "case_study_folder": "case_study",
  "recipient_emails": ["email@example.com", "another_email@example.com"],
  "subject": ["Subject 1", "Subject 2"],
  "case_study_pdf_names": ["file1.pdf", "file2.pdf"]

Configuration Details

  • sender_email: Your Gmail address (e.g., example@gmail.com).
  • app_password: App password generated for Gmail. How to create an app password.
  • case_study_folder: Folder name where all case study files (PDF) are stored.
  • recipient_emails: List of recipient email addresses.
  • subject: List of subject lines for the emails.
  • case_study_pdf_names: List of case study PDF file names.